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My heart is broken. Eddie was not only a Guitar God, but a genuinely beautiful soul. Rest in peace, Eddie! ...Eddie Van Halen Dead at 65 from Cancer https://t.co/gITtcndQVv
%u2014 Gene Simmons (@genesimmons) October 6, 2020
Rest in peace guitar legend Eddie Van Halen. %uD83D%uDC94 We will miss you. #fuckcancer @eddievanhalen #eddievanhalen pic.twitter.com/S4vnN3tyWc
%u2014 Billy Idol (@BillyIdol) October 6, 2020
Oh man, bless his beautiful creative heart. I love you Eddie Van Halen, an LA boy, a true rocker. I hope you jam with Jimi tonight. Break through to the other side my brother. %u2764%uFE0F%u2764%uFE0F%u2764%uFE0F https://t.co/XpcTlPJq9A
%u2014 Flea (@flea333) October 6, 2020
I am utterly devastated. pic.twitter.com/omYwP2UcMR
%u2014 Billy Sheehan (@BillyonBass) October 6, 2020
I%u2019m really sad to hear about the passing of Eddie Van Halen. A brilliant guitarist.
%u2014 Steve Hackett (@HackettOfficial) October 6, 2020
RIP Eddie Van Halen %uD83C%uDF39 love and condolences to all of Eddie%u2019s family, friends and fans all over the world on behalf of Jack%u2019s family. Here%u2019s a little something special we found %u2764%uFE0F https://t.co/Y0kY6AXLSK #eddievanhalen #RIPEddieVanHalen
%u2014 Jack Bruce (@jackbrucemusic) October 6, 2020
I%u2019m just devastated to hear the news of the passing of my dear friend Eddie Van Halen. He fought a long and hard battle with his cancer right to the very end. Eddie was one of a very special kind of person, a really great friend. Rest In Peace my dear friend till we meet again. pic.twitter.com/Qs8tsLPANJ
— Tony Iommi (@tonyiommi) October 6, 2020
Meu Twitter está virando obituário, mas como não render homenagens a esse guitarrista fantástico? Descanse, Eddie Van Hallen. E acabe 2020, por favor!!! Já perdi heróis demais neste ano...
— Bruno Gouveia (@bgouveia) October 6, 2020
2020 pode acabar logo, por favor... agora foi o Van Halen...%uD83D%uDE13%uD83E%uDD26%uD83C%uDFFB%u200D%u2642%uFE0F#ripvanhalen
— João Barone (@RealBarone) October 6, 2020
Heartbroken and speechless. My love to the family. pic.twitter.com/MQMueMF2XO
— Sammy Hagar (@sammyhagar) October 6, 2020 ript async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8">Heartbroken and speechless. My love to the family. pic.twitter.com/MQMueMF2XO
— Sammy Hagar (@sammyhagar) October 6, 2020
Just when I thought 2020 couldn't get any worse, I hear Eddie Van Halen has passed. So shocking- One of the nicest, down to Earth men I have ever met and toured with. A true gent and true genius. RIP. So sad.Thoughts go out to his brother Alex, and his family. pic.twitter.com/fwIw040YMX
— Geezer Butler (@geezerbutler) October 6, 2020
Oh NO! Speechless. A trailblazer and someone who always gave everything to his music. A good soul. I remember first seeing him playing at the Starwood in 1976 and he WAS Eddie Van Halen. So shocked and sad. My condolences to Wolfie and the family. https://t.co/ExAWzFAEYJ
— Paul Stanley (@PaulStanleyLive) October 6, 2020
Oh NO! Speechless. A trailblazer and someone who always gave everything to his music. A good soul. I remember first seeing him playing at the Starwood in 1976 and he WAS Eddie Van Halen. So shocked and sad. My condolences to Wolfie and the family. https://t.co/ExAWzFAEYJ
— Paul Stanley (@PaulStanleyLive) October 6, 2020
R.I.P. Eddie Van Halen, o guitarrista dos guitarristas.#RIPEddieVanHalen pic.twitter.com/rR05TSN4WB
— Ritchie %uD83D%uDC7D (@ritchieguy) October 6, 2020
Thank you EVH.... You changed the game and we were forever blessed to be on this earth with you.
— DOUG ALDRICH (@Douglas_Aldrich) October 6, 2020
God Bless the King...
R.I.P. Edward @ Heaven https://t.co/kaWSykWXdA