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Personalidades se solidarizam com vítimas de ataque em Las Vegas
Lady Gaga convida fãs para meditarem em transmissão
Madonna virá ao Brasil para participar de casamento
Lady Gaga surpreende pessoas em abrigo na Califórnia com pizza e café
Ariana Grande lança single em alusão ao terrorismo em Manchester
Prayers are important but @SpeakerRyan @realDonaldTrump blood is on the hands of those who have power to legislate. #GunControl act quickly. https://t.co/bXZQ7enuEp
%u2014 xoxo, Gaga (@ladygaga) October 2, 2017
This is terrorism plain and simple. Terror bares no race, gender or religion. Democrats & Republicans please unite now #guncontrol %uD83C%uDDFA%uD83C%uDDF8
%u2014 xoxo, Gaga (@ladygaga) October 2, 2017
My heart is breaking for Las Vegas. We need love, unity, peace, gun control & for people to look at this & call this what it is = terrorism.
%u2014 Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) October 2, 2017
Can we discuss the loss of rights of people going to a concert because of the lack of assault rifle regulations?
%u2014 Sheryl Crow (@SherylCrow) October 2, 2017
The massacre of schoolchildren in Dunblane led to UK gun law reform, which is why many stunned that there was no US change after Sandy Hook. pic.twitter.com/VDyQ6mbXgp
%u2014 J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) October 2, 2017
This day sucks. It sucks to see this happen again and again. It sucks that these dear souls lost their lives to a machine that loves violence. It sucks knowing that nothing at all will be done to curb it.
%u2014 Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) October 2, 2017
sick to my stomach. we have a show tonight & i don't know what we're supposed to tell people. other than WE NEED GUN CONTROL.
%u2014 hayley from Paramore (@yelyahwilliams) October 2, 2017