saiba mais
Morre o ator Roger Moore, conhecido por interpretar James Bond, o 007
Roger Moore era maltratado fisicamente pelas duas primeiras esposas
Roger Moore lança este mês EP virtual La maquina de fazer music
Azealia Banks acusa Russell Crowe de racismo e agressão, segundo jornal
Lady Gaga se emociona com morte da melhor amiga
At 10 I used to try to dress like Simon Templar .
%u2014 Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) May 23, 2017
My mother worked part time at the Indonesian embassy.
Added intrigue to my persona .
R.I.P Sir Roger Moore. He was the king of cool.
%u2014 Boy George (@BoyGeorge) May 23, 2017
Few are as kind & giving as was Roger Moore. Loving thoughts w his family & friends. He will be missed too by UNICEF pic.twitter.com/fYAEUqAaaw
%u2014 Mia Farrow (@MiaFarrow) May 23, 2017
We are heartbroken at the loss of our beloved Goodwill Ambassador and friend Sir Roger Moore. All our thoughts are with Sir Roger's family pic.twitter.com/SXVuSvEpPt
%u2014 Unicef UK (@UNICEF_uk) May 23, 2017
The ultimate James Bond... so sad to hear that Roger Moore has passed away. Thoughts and prayers are with his family...%uD83D%uDE4F%uD83D%uDE4F%uD83D%uDE4F pic.twitter.com/2iU7pl78uG
%u2014 Kris Jenner (@KrisJenner) May 23, 2017
#RIP Roger pic.twitter.com/eh9EKIxu0G
%u2014 Duran Duran (@duranduran) May 23, 2017